Merricks Pony Club (Merricks)

We are a small, family-oriented club, with a friendly and happy atmosphere. The club provides high quality tuition in groups tailored to the rider's skill and interest levels. Merricks Pony Club won the Club of the Year at the Pony Club Australia Awards in 2016.
We appreciate and support the close ties between the rider and their horse and respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual. We work towards helping riders achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard and aim to create a supportive learning environment in order to stimulate interest and foster development and growth of each individual rider's abilities.
Our facilities include a spacious clubhouse with canteen, a massive 60x60m all-purpose sand arena, an enclosed 20x60m dressage sand arena, a large enclosed 40x80m jumping sand arena (soon to become an indoor), and an enclosed round yard. We also have cross-country training facilities, including a water jump.
Our rallies run on the third Saturday of every month, and rally activities include dressage, show jumping, cross-country, musical riding, and natural horsemanship including certificate work. Highlights include clinics, competitions and our annual Christmas rally.

The club is based at Merricks Station Reserve which is the home of Merricks Pony Club, Merricks Saddle Club and Peninsula Quarter Horse Association. The facilities include a large enclosed arena (35 x 78m) which provides a wonderful, safe area for Showjumping as well as Dressage and Quarter horse activities, high standard turf areas and small cross-country course to provide training facilities, predominately for levels 2 - 5. Note: In the wet winter and spring months these turf areas and cross-country course are closed to ensure safe riding conditions and to prevent damage.
3450A Frankston - Flinders Road, Merricks 3916 Map
✆ 0457 777 202
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