Mernda Community Garden at Carome

The Mernda Community Garden is an established community garden on the historical Carome Homestead site which encompasses member plots, communal plots and a small orchard.
This garden is allotment-based, with some communal beds for members. Membership is around 30 adults plus children.
It is a relaxed space where members share, learn, grow veggies and get dirty! Garden members receive a monthly newsletter. The group tends to a small orchard, compost bays, several worm farms and their communal and private plots.
A food swap is held at the garden on the first Saturday of every month, 10.30am-midday. Working bees are also held monthly.
10 Hathfelde Boulevard, Mernda 3754 Map
✆ 0417 599 509
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Mernda Community Garden at Carome on Facebook