Mentone Beach

Mentone beach is an easily accessible and popular beach offering usually lower waves and a shallower surf zone.
The 1.6km beach is backed by Beach Road and 20 m high bluffs. The once bare and eroding bluffs were the subject of some famous paintings by Charles Condor and Tom Roberts. Today the bluffs have been stabilised and vegetated, and a seawall runs along their base, topped by a promenade.
The beach in this section is 1.5 km long and curves around to face the south-west. The Mentone Life Saving Club is located in front of the bluffs, with a good view of the beach.
Swimming - A relatively safe beach owing to the generally shallow bars. However, numerous small rips and troughs also occur along the beach and on the bars, so it is best to bathe in the patrolled area in front of the lifesaving club.
Mentone Beach has a General Beach Hazard Rating of 3/10 (Least hazardous).
On top on the Mentone Life Saving Club there are concrete seats with views across the water. There is also a water tap, toilets with showers and family change room. To the south (opposite Naples Street) there is a basic playground with four unshaded tables, water tap, BBQ and small grassy area beside Beach Road on the cliff top above the beach. Back from the beach is a beach shower.
The sandy beach stretches in both directions from the Mentone Life Saving Club. To the south it merges with the northern end of Parkdale beach and to the north it eventually ends at high cliffs with an access path.
There is a concrete path which continues all the way beside the beach which started at Parkdale beach. To the north the path has lovely colourful mosaics created by local children. There are a number of points where there are steep paths or steps down to the beach from the cliffs above.
50m south of the Mentone Life Saving Club a drain pipe enters the water which is a bit on the ugly side. 150m south of the Mentone Life Saving Club there is a nice shelter with seats set below where the playground is located.
There is ticketed parking along Beach Road.
Access for Dogs:
The western part of the beach (between Charman Road and Plummer Road) is a 24 hour dog off leash zone on the sand only, but not on the path.
For the remainder of the beach the following regulations apply:
Summer Foreshore Dog Regulations (1 November - 31 March)
- Between sunrise and 10am dogs are permitted off leash on sand only
- Between 10am and 7:30pm dogs are prohibited on sand
- Between 7:30pm and sunrise dogs must be on leash on sand
Winter Foreshore Dog Regulations (1 April - 31 October)
- Between 11am and 3pm it is an on leash area.
- At all other times of the day it is an off leash area on sand only.

64 Beach Road, Mentone 3194 Map
Web Links
→ Mentone Beach (BeachSafe)
→ Mentone Lifesaving Club
→ Mentone Lifesaving Club on Facebook