Melbourne Museum of Printing (Footscray West)

Visitors are able to see various facets of typesetting and printing, including:
- Gutenberg's invention of movable types,
- Typesetting (by hand) with movable types,
- Linotype linecaster (hot metal composition),
- Ludlow Typograph linecaster (hot metal for large or fancy type),
- Poster types (usu. wood) for large lettering,
- engravings needed to print an illustration,
- stereotypes (duplicates of typesettings),
- the hand press as used by early printers,
- the cylinder press (more modern process),
- posters, books and other works printed in our studioby visiting artists,
- books in our Library of Books as Artefacts, where theinterest is not "Who wrote it?" but "Who printed it, and how?",
- examples from our archival collections of thousandsof artefacts and documents, illustrating the day-to-day work ofthe printing trade, and
- a slide show on traditional printing and the Museum'scollections and programs
All programs are designed to show what was involved in earlier ways of printing. Of great interest is the Gutenberg style of composing text with metal types, and the 20th century developments of machine composing (such as the Linotype).
The programs include the popular Graphic Students' Workshop, the Roots of Printing (Professional Development) Workshop and the "Two Days with Letterpress" experience.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times (limited)
Admission Fees
266 Geelong Road, Footscray West 3012 Map
✆ (03) 9689 7555
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