Melbourne Canoe Club (Ivanhoe)

The core purpose of our club is to develop and grow the sport of Slalom Canoeing in Victoria.
Coaching and getting boats on the water is the key to this growth.
Melbourne Canoe Club (MCC) provides regular and ongoing slalom coaching to paddlers. These coaching squads are open to both beginners and experienced paddlers, including parents of current athletes. MCC can provide equipment at an extra cost per session, so all the family can be involved.
Key components include:
- Experienced, quality coaches.
- Small groups (max 5 paddlers) to ensure quality coaching time
- Assistance at Yarra Series Races
Opening Hours:
- 8 sessions weekly over the school term period.
- Sessions will be 1 hour in length (not including warm up)
- Consistent day, time & location (please indicate preferred times on application form)
For Insurance requirements you need to be a member of a club. Annual costs are:
Adult: $100
Full Junior: $70
Recreational: $70
Social: $25
Family (up to 3 people but only 2 adults): $200
Cost of Coaching squads:
$80 per term if paddlers provide their own equipment
$120 per term if paddlers would like equipment provided (boat, paddle, BV, spraydeck, helmet)
12A Ford Street, Ivanhoe 3079 Map
✆ 0412 241 098
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Melbourne Canoe Club on Facebook