Meadow Heights Education Centre

Meadow Heights Learning Shop (MHLS), trading as Meadow Heights Education Centre, is a local, community-owned organisation. We deliver accredited adult, community and further education courses. We are also a Neighbourhood House, which provides community development programs.
Meadow Heights Learning Shop (a Learn Local Provider, a registered TAFE and Neighbourhood House) operates from the Visy Cares Learning Centre (3-13 Hudson Circuit), Shop 24 and Buchan Street Community Centre. Meadow Heights Learning Shop also runs ESL and Vocational Classes in another 14 centres around Melbourne.
The prime operation of Meadow Heights Learning Shop is at the Visy Cares Learning Centre. This modern building was donated by the Pratt Foundation in 2003. It is a modern building providing excellent Educational Setting, an Occasional Care Room, Maternal Health Facilities and a core of computers to support the technology needs of the Meadow Heights Residents.
Meadow Heights Learning Shop provides free services to support the youth of the Hume Municipality by running the computer club house for students from year 4 to VCE. The computer Club House is part of the World Wide Intel Program.
M.H.L.S being a Neighbourhood House provides many programs to support the residents of Hume. Some of the community programs provided are:
- Playgroup/Multicultural
- Retired Group Men's Activities
- Chat at MHLS
- Computer/Internet Classes
- Community Kitchen
- Women's Kitchen
- Job Search Skills
- Meditation Group
- Free Tax Help
- Volunteering to Employment
Many of the programs offered by M.H.L.S are focused on assisting students to find employment and prosperity.
Meadow Heights Learning Shop is a Learn Local Provider, an organisation which is committed to providing quality adult learning programs to members of the local community.
Meadow Heights also provides excellent room hire facilities.
You can get in contact with us at:
VISY Cares Learning Centre
Address: 3-13 Hudson Circuit, Meadow Heights, 3048
Phone: 9301-9200
Fax: 9031-9299
Buchan Street Community Centre
Address: 15-29 Buchan Street, Meadow Heights, 3048
Phone: 9309-5211
Shop 24
Address: Shop 24 Paringa Boulevard, Meadow Heights, 3048
Phone: 9302-2472
3-13 Hudson Circuit, Meadow Heights 3048 Map
✆ (03) 9301 9200
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Meadow Heights Education Centre on Facebook