McGregor Park Playground, Contingent Street, Trafalgar

McGregor Park Playground, Contingent Street, Trafalgar

The main playground area has a birds nest swing, yacht springer, two swings and a structure in the shape of a boat with dual wave slides, single wave slide, tic-tac-toe, tunnel, abacus, rope ladder, steering wheel, walkway, climbing wall, ladder and steps.

McGregor Park Playground, Contingent Street, Trafalgar

Around this area is a smallish pyramid rope climbing frame, spinning tables and seats, fish springer, two soft turtles, soft platypus and soft crocodiles (including his teeth).

McGregor Park Playground, Contingent Street, Trafalgar

There's an area with a forest of vertical poles, shelter with table and BBQs, some unshaded tables, water tap, grassy area and toilets. Located next to the pool.



46 Contingent Street,  Trafalgar 3824 Map

McGregor Park Playground, Contingent Street, Trafalgar46 Contingent Street,, Trafalgar, Victoria, 3824