Matthews Hill Grassland (Sunshine)

The array of grasses, wildflowers, ferns and mosses found at the Matthews Hill Grassland is unique to Victoria's Volcanic Plains which stretch from the west of Melbourne to Portland. This remaining patch of Natural Temperate Grassland is managed through burning, weed control and replanting species that have been lost since the arrivals of Europeans.
Matthews Hill Grassland Reserve provides the community with a snapshot of what the sweeping basalt plains underneath the western suburbs of Melbourne once looked like. This little patch of nature has survived amongst the roads, railways and silos that surround it.
Along your daily walk you'll come across the impressive kangaroo sculptures, referencing the natural history of the space. These add an artistic element to help people interact with the grassland in a tangible way.
Take a 500m walk to appreciate the beauty of nature nestled in the city. Wander slowly and enjoy the delicate wildflowers in spring, and the changing colours and textures of the grasses throughout the year.
Although grasslands can be appreciated year-round, the Matthews Hill Grassland is at its best in spring into the early months of summer, when a diverse array of daisies and other wildflowers bloom, and the kangaroo grass changes from green to red.
Near the playground is an interesting stile to get across the fence into the grasslands area. One side has steps and the other side has a choice of steps or a bumpy slide ride.
During summer you need to beware of snakes. There are a number of information signs and some lovely artwork including some kangaroo sculptures. The number of wildflowers in bloom is very dependant on the season.
41 Matthews Street, Sunshine 3020 Map