Marysville - Steavenson Falls

Steavenson Falls are one of the tallest in Victoria, with 5 cascades, a total descent of 122 metres, the last having a clear drop of more than 21 metres.
Named after John Steavenson, who first visited the site of what is now Marysville in 1862, the falls opened to tourists in 1866. Today they are a popular attraction both by day and night, when they are illuminated by floodlights powered by hydro-electricity created by the thundering water.
The Falls can be viewed from two lower viewing platforms, one on each side of the Steavenson River. A bridge crossing the river and joining these two areas is also a spectacular viewing area. A further viewing platform is found at the top of the Falls, which requires a 25 minute walk up a medium grade walking track.
There are several pleasant walks of varied lengths and levels of difficulty around the Steavenson Falls Reserve. The steep walk to the top of the falls and back takes approximately 40 minutes.
The car park area includes a river valley viewing platform, public toilets and the mini Steavenson Falls.
Impressive forest covers much of the Steavenson Reserve, including stands of mountain ash, mountain grey gum, messmate and narrow-leafed peppermint, and lyrebirds are often seen in the area in the morning and after rain searching for insects and worms.
The falls are 5 minutes drive from Marysville. Follow Falls Road from the town centre through tree ferns and forest to the car park. The falls are 350 metres from the car park.
Access for Wheelchairs:
One of the best falls for wheelchair users. There are stairs to the first lookout point which makes them inaccessible but the lookout point at the bottom of the falls is accessible. It is too difficult to get to the top of the falls. The track is gravel but flat to the bottom of the falls.
A spectacular waterfall which can be viewed from a number of angles. The walk to the top wasn't too demanding although there is one spot near the top which is quite exposed and could be a little frightening if the path was wet and slippery. The falls are lit at night which makes a nice sight. The toilets were clean.
Falls Road, Marysville 3779 Map
Web Links
→ The Best Family Activities in the Yarra Valley
→ The Best Waterfalls in Melbourne and Victoria for Family Visits