Marysville Bushfire Memorial

The Marysville Bushfire Memorial is dedicated to those who assisted the community during and following the events of 7 February 2009 including Emergency Services, Charitable Organisations and Government Agencies plus all the volunteers and donors from near and far.
Murrindindi Fire
In February 2009, vast areas of country Victoria were devastated by catastrophic bushfires resulting in Australia's highest ever loss of life from a bushfire.
Forty percent of Murrindindi Shire was burned, and significant losses were also experienced in other parts of Victoria. Overall, the Shire was devastated with a total of 101 people losing their and the destruction of 1,397 homes, 75 businesses, 16 community or government buildings and 234 sheds.
The Murrindindi Fire started around 2.55pm on 7 February, near the township of Murrindindi, and travelled rapidly. By 4pm it had reached Narbethong. The wind direction changed at about 6.15pm and the fire continued to rage through Granton, Marysville, Buxton and Taggerty with catastrophic consequence. This became known as Black Saturday.
The fire was not officially contained until 5 March 2009.
This memorial commemorates the loss of forty lives as a result of Black Saturday, in these locations. It acknowledges those injured during the fires, the destruction of homes, properties, livelihoods, animals and wildlife, community and treasured landscapes.
The courage shown by those who provided assistance in the response, relief and recovery effort will never be forgotten.
The spirit and the determination of the community to nurture regrowth and renewal remain its enduring legacy.
13 Falls Road, Marysville 3779 Map