Maroondah Singers (Mitcham)

Maroondah Singers is a choir based in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. It is a mixed voice community choir dedicated to the enjoyment of choral music for both singers and listeners.
We meet every Monday night at the Mountview Uniting Church Hall in Mitcham. We start with a warm-up, and rehearse a mixture of new material and well known songs each week. Members are issued, on loan, with their own set of sheet music for the songs we are currently rehearsing, which they can take home to learn and practise.
Potential new members are welcome as visitors at any rehearsal. Prospective members do not need to be able to read music to join the choir. Our Musical Director will do a voice check to assess the voice range, the ability to sing in tune and to hold a part.
We perform up to four times a year around Melbourne. It is expected that members of the choir will endeavour to perform in all concerts. We perform from memory at our performances and members are given plenty of time to prepare to sing confidently with both words and music.
559-561 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham 3132 Map
✆ 0400 120 319
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