Margaret Lewis Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Coldstream)

A great off leash dog area which has just about everything you want - huge grassy areas, bushland areas, a walking track around the whole reserve, shelter with seats, water tap with bowl, bin and plenty of toys and items for the dogs such as ball throwers / tennis racquets, knotted ropes and tennis balls.
To get to the best parking area, drive between the Coldstream Primary School and Coldstream Community Centre.
The reserve is passionately maintained by "Friends of Margaret Lewis Reserve" ( There is a commemorative plaque near the shelter which reads "In 1955, George and Margaret Lewis purchased the Ingram Road property "Fairway", where they bred sheep and ponies. Margaret had great affection for animals and appreciated the natural beauty and environment of this area. This land reserve was bequeathed to the community, with Margaret's expressed intention that it be used for passive recreational purposes only.
Map of Off Leash Area:

(Off leash area is shaded blue)
12 Kelso Street, Coldstream 3770 Map
Web Links
→ Margaret Lewis Reserve Off Leash Area Map (PDF)