Mansfield & Surrounds Road Rides

These are the best road rides in Mansfield / Mt Buller and surrounds.

Locals just love this one. It's our easiest ride and perfect for the beginner, but be sure to ride in a clockwise direction.
- The ride begins at the roundabout in the centre of town.
- Head east out of town along the Mansfield-Whitfield Road that turns sharp left and heads north.
- Follow for a few kilometres and take a right at Barwite Road.
- Continue down to Old Tolmie Road and turn right. Climb Coombes Hill, then roll down and turn right into Graves Road which will take you on to Mt Buller Road.
- Turn right and ride back into town.

For an intermediate ride, try this loop clockwise.
- The climb up to Tolmie is reasonably gentle until you reach the last pinch up to Spring Creek Road. If you're not a confident descender, turn around here and head back to Mansfield the way you came up; just watch out for the first couple of the left-handers which seem to tighten on themselves.
- For a very fast descent, turn right onto Old Tolmie Road and test yourself on the pinchy climb up to Bunstons Road. Then... hold on for the very fast descent down Old Tolmie Road. This is not for the faint-hearted!
- Then over Coombes Hill, onto Graves Road and right onto the Mt Buller Road to town.
- Tackle the Coombesberg and climb Old Tolmie Road, or as it's been recently dubbed, the 'Tolmielet'. Some sections reach 15%!
- Be careful on the descent, turn left onto Mansfield-Whitfield Road and enjoy the descent down to Bridge Creek; this descent is a popular local club bunch ride.

- Begin the ride at the roundabout in the centre of town.
- Head out from Mansfield along the Mt. Buller Road and turn left into Graves Road.
- Follow Graves Road around and turn left into Old Tolmie Road. Climb Coomes Hill and then roll down to a left turn into Barwite Road.
- Ride west to Mansfield-Whitfield Road and turn right.
- Ride on up to Tolmie or even further if you like. Advanced riders might like to ride all the way to Whitfield.
- Turn around and enjoy the ride back into Mansfield.

Our classic ride and ultimate challenge! Local rider Simon Gerrans holds the record for the fastest climb up Mt Buller. His phenomenal time of 39 minutes and 50 seconds is scarily fast (measured from the toll gates at Mirimbah to the Village). Just to ride to the top is a great 'achievement. The ride back into Mansfield is much easier. If you're not using the 7 Peaks App, make sure you get your 7 Peaks passport stamped on Mt Buller before heading back down the mountain.

This ride has some amazing vistas of both Mt. Buller and Lake Eildon.
- Starting at the roundabout in the centre of town, head out to the Mt. Buller Road and ride east out of town.
- Turn right at the airport down Mansfield Woods Point Road and follow south for about 9km.
- Turn left at Chapel Hill road and follow all the way to the end of the tar seal. Turn around and ride back.
- Turn right back into Mansfield Woods-Point Road and then a sharp left at Gough's Bay Road. Follow this road all the way into the Gough's Bay.
- Turn around and ride back into town.

Not a difficult ride and could suit beginner riders, however this road can be busy on weekends and during holiday periods - particularly over summer.
- Begin the ride at the roundabout in the centre of town.
- Leave Mansfield by travelling south along Highett Street.
- Tum right into Malcolm Street and follow this straight, flat section out to Howes Creek Road and turn left.
- Follow Howes Creek Road all the way out to the end of the tar seal and turn around and head back into Mansfield.

Definitely a ride for only the strongest riders and a classic one day challenge. Simon Gerrans and Phil Anderson, both Tour de France stage winners, cut their teeth on this ride. Be sure to time your ride up Mt. Buller and have your 7 Peaks passport stamped in the Village.
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