Mansfield - High Plains Sculpture

The High Plains Sculpture is located next to Mansfield Railway Station and Mansfield Tourist Information Centre. It is an interesting modern perspective of what makes life in the High Plains with the added bonus of being able to find information about activities in the area at the Information Centre.
The information provided within the sculpture is:
Rivers & Lakes
Within the deep valleys of the High Country, legendary rivers and lakes form lifelines and playgrounds for visitors and community alike. Five major river systems start on the mountain peaks, descend to the valleys and bring life to dependant communities who cherish the rich resource of this sparkling water.
The spectacular snow-capped mountains of the High Country shaped the local ecology for countless millennia. In the early 1920's, the Ski Club of Victoria explored Mt Buller. The first chalet was built in 1929 and by 1953, Mt Buller had 26 club lodges.
Now Victoria's premier modern ski resort Mt Buller has over 300 hectares of skiable terrain and 22 lifts that can move more than 40,000 people an hour.
1939 Fires
The Mansfield Courier described January 13, 1939 as "The blackest day in the region's history". Fire had been managed carefully for thousands of years by aboriginal people. However, in 1939, after a century long build up of potential fuel, disaster struck!
Forests & Trees
The gnarled and twisted snow gums lean low and outwards on the mountain tops above the mighty Eucalyptus Delegatensis (Alpine Ash) which reaches up into the mist from the valleys.
These forests are feared and respected by the most experienced "bushie" because of their massive dropping branches and the ease with which people become lost in among the trees.
The romance of the High Country horse, the skill of the horseman, Banjo's galloping poetry, a thousand campfire tales and the muster of the cattle loom large in the consciousness of Australia.
A stamp of the hoof and a snorted cloud of breath into the crisp morning air has ushered in the new day for over 150 years.
Yowung-ilium-balluk ba Taungurung gulindji bagurrk, wanganyinyu wung-u-ngut womindjeka biik-dha-ganyinu. Yowung illam buluk (clan name) ba (and) Taungurung gulindji bagurrk (Taungurung men women i.e. people), wanganyinyu (we) wung-u-ngut (give you our) womindjeka (welcome) bilk-dha-ganyinu (country/land to you).
Ned Kelly
In 1878, four mounted troopers entered the forest near Stringybark Creek, about 12 miles from this spot, to arrest Ned and Dan Kelly. Unfortunately the Kellys, Joe Byrne and Steve Hart found the police camp first and advanced on it, the ensuing firefight left three police officers dead. Ned was later found guilty of murder for his actions at Stringybark.
After years of fruitless searching, gold was eventually found in the Upper Goulburn in 1854. From then until 1870, the modern equivalent of 60 million dollars of gold was taken from local rivers by alluvial miners.
Plants & Flora
Many rare and wonderful orchids, ferns and mossy ground coven reside in the region, all watched over by the mighty Eucalyptus Delegatenis (Alpine Ash). These plants hold vital roles in the regulation of the water cycle, habitats for fauna and nature's cycle.
Alpine Marsh Marigold - Found in one small area on Mt Buller, the rare and threatened Alpine Marsh Marigold flowers are a secret when covered in snow, but as the snow melts away the delicate beauty is revealed.
The First Ski Lift
'We used to walk all the way up the mountain to ski and then walk down...later, we drove up the forestry roads to the summit and walked to the slopes...then in 1949 the first ski lift carried us to the top again!'
Bogong Moths
Every year, literally millions of bogong moths spawn and fly a thousand kilometres to the High Country. It is one of Australia's most spectacular ecological phenomena. For countless centuries, the high protein arrival prompted a journey into the Alps by the surrounding aboriginal tribes. These reunions led to a festival of celebration, marriage and business.
175 High Street, Mansfield 3722 Map