Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group (Doncaster)

Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group (Doncaster)

Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group encourages youth members (aged 10 - 26) who have disabilities and or have special needs to join in and have a go.

The title Tende Beck was bestowed on the Group by the Aboriginal community and means "perfect".

Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group has a Cub scout pack (age range: 8-10), Scout troop (age range: 11-14), Venturer unit (age range: 15-17) and Rover crew (age range: 18-25).The group encourages young people with special needs. Youth members (age 10 - 26) across different age sections of scouting (Scouts, Venturers, Rovers) all meet at the scout hall at the same time during the school terms.


5 High Street,  Doncaster 3108 Map

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group on Facebook

Manningham Tende Beck Scout Group (Doncaster)5 High Street,, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108