Maldon - Historic CBD Walk

Walk from the Information Centre down High Street to the junction to begin.
1. View Point - Site of Bank of Victoria 1858 Originally a simple timber building. housing carpentry supplies. Site sold to the bank in 1858. It operated as a bank until liquidation in 1943, front section demolished leaving the structure as it is'now.
2. Treadwell & Stone's Smithy -1858 (Greengrocer) Used as a farrier, smithy. wheelwright. carpenter and auction rooms. Rebuilt as affordable accommodation.
3. McMillan & Padley's Ironmongery - 1858 (Leckie Gallery & Peppercorn Books) Ironmonger, harvest and earden tools. Used since as a tailor, tobacconist. hairdresser until recently.
4. Former Dabb's Store - 1859 (IGA Supermarket) Part of the site originally operated by Wright, Ross & Co. before 1857. Changed hands several times until 1885 when bought by Dabb & Co. Note the pleasant timber details on verandah and timber carriageway. During Dabbs operation of the general store they were the greatest rivals of Warnocks Beehive Store (38) for a long period, outlasting Warnocks and being the only store in Maldon to remain a general merchant store until today.
5. Chisolm's Butcher Shop - 1930 (Maldon Butcher) Site of early stationery store. which was a wooden building 24x16ft. Site was used as a butcher by Chisolm c1900. The latest building was erected by 1936.
6. Wade's Building - 1880 (Garden Etcetera) Wade originally operated in High St. First shop built in Main St in 1881.0ther shops in 1883. At this point it can be noted that interesting details of the shop roofs can he seen from the opposite side of the street when walking along.
7. Tarrangower Times Office 1861 (Chemist) Used as a hairdresser until 1869. then Hannafords Music Shop from 1900. Tarrangower Times moved in in the 1930s. Front altered in 1975 for movie 'Break of Day'.
Maldon had two newspapers, The Tarrangower Times and The Maldon News, which issued news 4 days a week during the 1890s. The Times was one of earliest newspapers in Victoria, being established in 1858. The editor was considered fearless and on one occasion was publicly horsewhipped by an irate councillor, who was fined, but the council withheld its advertising. for some months.
8. Calder's Ironmongery - 1866 Operated as an ironmongery until 1930s. Calder had a long history in High and Main Sts. It became known as Calder's Cottage and Garden and also Calder's Cottage Christmas Shop.
9. McArthur's Bakery - 1895 (Chocolate Shop, Bakery) Part of the allotment was transferred to become Dolphin Street. McArthur was operating a bakery on this site prior to 1857 and continued until 1930s. 1854 sign on the pediment of corner shop is not related to the building. but to McArthur himself. The original oven installed still exists, but is not currently used. The smaller shop (Bakery) further up appears to be the older of the two buildings. This has a new facade.
10. Phoenix Building - 1907 (Maldon Mutz, Shops) Original building was wood. used as a butcher, bakery with a 2- stalled stable plus a well with water. Brick building appears to have been constructed by James Trengrove, draper in 1907.
11. Scotch Pie House - 1866 (The Corner Cupboard) In 1856 this was the site of Warnock & Co's Beehive Store for hay and corn. until 1859. After a fire in 1866 Joseph Crossley opened Scotch Pie House. Site had two stores in Reef and Templeton Sts. Verandah added after 1895 and before 1936.
12. Franklin's Building 1870 (The Beehive Market) From 1864 Franklin operated a 'Cookham Boot & Shoe Warehouse' on this site. Property sold to Catherine Dabb who constructed the building. by 1875. Dabb's Corn & Chaff Store. with timber yard. was just around the corner. This has a shingle roof and red brick floor. Materials of main building are unusual - unplastered stone on Phoenix St. plastered facade on Main St. the Castlemaine slate is a later addition. Part of the completion is in iron.
13. Wearne's Building - 1895 (CERT) Isolated. narrow. two storey property originally owned by J.C. Hawkey. Listed as wooden. used as a chemist by Wearne until 1897 (maybe). Building continued to be rated as both wooden and brick.
14. Farr's Building - 1860 Used in 1875 as gold smelter. assayer and jeweller by Albert Honneus. Bought by Bank of Victoria, but never used by them. Used as a surgery and a dentists until 1939.
15. Shakespeare House I907 A watercourse flowed across the site and flooded the original wooden building until it was filled in in 1860. Jabez Dean took over a section of the building and applied for a publican's licence in 1864. It then became Shakespeare House. Closed as a hotel in 1910. The original iron work on the verandah is still intact and is a fine example of its period.
16. Maldon Stables - 1909 (Maldon Hotel) Watercourse filled in. as with 15. Wooden building demolished in 1909 and stables built. Now used as a restaurant.
17. Maldon Hotel - 1909 (Maldon Hotel) Original building was weatherboard. In 1861 used as Martin's Victoria Dining Rooms. Extended in 1864, verandah erected in 1869. Changed name to Royal Mail Hotel. T.E. Butler renamed it the Maldon Hotel and erected the present building in 1909.
18. Tobin's Building 1912 (Newsagent, Shops, Cafe) Originally a series of shops constructed after 1860. These included Victoria House. R. Tobin - draper. silk merchant. Tobin's Boot & Shoe Warehouse. a grocer and a stationer. There were private apartments let at the back. Present building constructed by Tobin's estate. The stall boards are Art Nouveau patterned pressed metal and the green tiles are unusual for shop fronts in Maldon.
- Look across the street to see the 'Ice Cream Cone'.
19. Swann's Building - 1866 (Clothes, Cafe) In 1857 - Swann's Tarrangower Auction Mart. The original building was demolished and new one erected. Used as a hairdresser. stationer. jeweller. tailor. AMA office and Mines & Supply Rates Office.
20. Upton's Butcher Shop - 1858 (Real Estate) Site sold to Upton and advertised as a butcher in 1859, verandah erected in 1860. Upton was still there in 1900. In 1907 parapet raised to match other buildings.
21. Dabb's Produce Store - 1870 (Wheel & Loom) Taken over in 1865 by Samuel Dabb for hay and household goods and run until 1868. Present building erected 1868c. Originally unpainted with white trim. The carriageway on the right was used as livery stables when building sold to Manna Ray in 1886.
22. Former Albion Hotel - 1886 (Chicks Fashions) Designed by Thomas Kebble. There was a similar used red brick with white trim on other buildings. First building on this site was the Maldon Larder. opened by Cushen & Burke. Caught fire in 1860. damage unknown. It was let to Hugh Pettitt who renamed it --The Cricketer's Arms". In 1866 tenders called for a new brick building. When started, reputed to be the only brick building in a row of wooden buildings. Renamed the Albion Hotel. Closed in 1888. Purchased by London Chartered Bank. Taken over by the State Savings Bank of Victoria. The single verandah was removed early last century.
23. Bernrman's Bootshop - 1895 (Berrymans Tea Rooms) In 1857 early American style bowling alley existed. The premises opened in 1858, called 'Old Kent Inn'. They were sold to Thomas Polsue. who renamed the business 'The Miners Arms'. This included the bowling alley. They were advertised 'to let' as having a bar. bagatelle rooms. sitting rooms, bedrooms. kitchen and bowling alley. It ceased to be used as a hotel in 1862. The building was replaced in brick in 1895. William Berryman, owner and bootmaker, operated until 1948.
24. Goldsmith's Building - 1897 (Hardware, Gifts) Except for minor alterations to the parapet. these shops are intact. particularly the iron frame verandah. Original site of the Criterion Drapery Warehouse, opened in 1864 by James Steele. Building enlarged and built in brick, but was destroyed by fire in 1891. In 1897. present buildings erected as the 'Heart of Maldon'. Buildings had ornamental heart shaped parapet (now removed). Cast iron decoration is 'City of Melbourne' design, once a standard. 'The Allen Bros' can be seen etched in the decorative glass above the door of one shop.
25. Miss Hockey's Shop - 1920 (Tarrengower Teas) 1912 - wooden building purchased by Louisa Hockey. present brick building. constructed - used for confectionary and cakes.
26. Mathews Plumbers - 1920 (Maldon Takeaway) Original site housed two businesses. In 1864 a brick store and dwelling were built and bought by J. Mathews. These were damaged by fire. In 1895 Mathews erected a double story, ornate brick building (see photo) which was demolished in 1920, reason unknown. Mathews then built the existing building.
27. Mohrs Hairdressing - 1870 (Zen Cafe) Purchased as site by Conrad Mohr. Present building constructed by 1875. Mohr ran hairdresser until 1890s. Used as a barber until 1940s. Verandah valance not original.
28. McFarlane's Drapery - 1870 (Beatons Store) Drapery operated on this site for 114 years. 1863 1977. Originally called Union Jack House. Site purchased and operated by McFarlane family until 1946 - bought by Ivor Sampson.
-The face of McFarlane's brother appeared on the Australian Pound Note. he was Secretary to the Treasury.
29. Grand Hotel & Shops - 1888 The shop fronts are not original. 1858 - site called Brittania House. occupied by Tobin Bros. Mining magnate Oswald had present building built. Sold to Maldon Brewing Co. The metal spikes are a dangerous deterrent to patrons sitting on the sills.
30. Royal Hotel & Theatre - Hall 1864, Hotel 1862 (Wicked Temptations and Vanilla Spice) Hotel existed on the site from 1854 until 1930. Picture theatre operated until 1970s. The building had an attached Masonic Hall, used for concerts. assemblies, meetings, etc. The Masonic movement was very strong and this became the centre of the town's social scene. The Page family bought the buildings and the Masons moved across the street (see 37). The family operated the hotel for 51 years, until 1914. The building was restored and reopened in 1998.
31. Tarrangower Times Office - The Tarrangower Times office burned down in 1929. Stones from the demolition of the Bank of Victoria were dumped on this site and used to build the foundations and cellar of the present building in 1992.
32. Gray's House - 1859 (Private residence) Constructed for William Blair Gray, manager of the nearby South German mine at the time. W.B. Gray was the Maldon Shire President for 13 years and went on to become a minister of parliament. -ANZAC hill is opposite - this hill was covered by small miner's cottages. Bulbs often flower in square formations displaying the original flower beds.
33. Moore's Coach Factory - Timber (Maldon Collectables) Originally Callender & Sons-Blacksmiths. Moore's Coach Shop & Factory until 1930s. Demolished and reconstructed in 1982.
34. Langslows Building - 1898 Site of early hotels - the British & American, The Exchange.
35. Warnocks Flour Mills -1 873 (Lighthouse) This site was owned by the Bank of Victoria. It was transferred to James & Samuel Warnock who erected a flour mill. entrance was at rear via lane. The mill was converted to use as shops in 1900. Verandahs not original.
36. Freemasons Hall - 1868 (The Village Patch) The facade was added in 1908. Originally part of Warnocks Beehive Store. The Masons moved into the building and used it as their Lodge until mid 1980s.
37. Warnock's Beehive Store - 1858 (Robert Cox
Motors) An early, large general store. Photographs from the era show premises of over 100ft of plate Glass. The building was remarkable because of the early plate glass, verandahs and cedar framing. It still retains its basic form shop fronts. stall boards and ceiling. The Tarrangower Times described the store of "leviathan proportions", both for size (4 large departments) and importance. Warnocks erected a building at the rear to accommodate 25 employees for their flour mill. They also had a branch at Eaglehawk (Maldon) and Melbourne. Dabb & Co were their greatest rivals.
38. Bank of N. S. W. - 1858 In February 1858 the Mount Alexander Mail reported...-A proof of the increasing prosperity of the district is to be found in the fact that the Bank of N.S.W. has commenced the erection of a brick building, the accommodation hitherto used having been found to be insufficient". The same paper reported the opening of the new building in the same year. By 1864. alterations and additions had been made and a residence built. In 1866 - "new smelting house just erected by Mr Hornsby for the Bank of New South Wales is quite an ornament to the town". The smelter was demolished in 1936.
39. Carriers Arms Hotel - 1857 (Lions Op Shop) A largely intact building from the 1850s. Building constructed for accommodation with stables. Ceased as a hotel by 1864.
40. Hornsby's Buildings - 1900 (Shops) There has been significant alteration to this building. Lane leads to reputed brothel. plus there was a building yard at the back.
41. Argyle House - 1866 (Shop, accommodation) In 1861, old building used as Nomens "Old Rookery", then Chapman & Goggins used it as an auction room.
42. Commercial Hotel - 1867 (Lavender & Lace)
1867 - Handorff built a 3-gabled building on a rented site; he died in 1891. Licence held by numerous people until revoked in 1910.
43. Country Fire Authority Building - 1957 Site occupied by shops until 1930s. The Maldon Council formed a Fire Brigade in in 1873, where they occupied a small building in Fountain Street (near the Museum). The Fire Brigade was registered with the Country Fire Brigade Board in 1891.
44. Kangaroo Hotel This hotel is the last point on this walk and the beginning of the Historic (residential) Town Walk.
This brochure available at the Information Centre.
Interesting historical bits....
-Due to a shortage of coins being brought into the colony, Warnocks had their own coins minted between 1861 and 1863. These included a variety of half pennies and pennies. -An 1861 advertisement in the Castlemaine paper proclaimed Warnocks"Great Clearing-Out Sale of Winter Drapery', and included Mixed Alpacas from 7d per yd: White Straw Bonnets, from Is, worth 3s 6d: Boys Tweed Trousers from 4s 6d. Plus more.
-Goats supplied most of the milk required and were regarded as the poor man's friend. At one point their number outweighed that of people. Geese vied with the goats in number and favour, many finding their end on the Christmas table.
-Prior to 1864 traders opened and closed whenever they chose. In 1864 agreement was reached to close at 2.00pm Wednesdays. Employees worked until 7.00pm and were paid what an employer offered, generally in line with miners wages - about f2/10s per week. Traders were considered generous and friendly, one shopkeeper advertised free delivery within a radius of 5 miles. Gifts of sweets and presents for Christmas were commonplace. Saturday night shopping attracted great crowds. When this practice was killed off, so were the popular appearances of the brass band. Alongside is an early picture of the brass band marching down Main Street.
-The growth of the goldfields could have been seriously altered if not for the discovery of springs around the Butts Reserve and the area near the Methodist Church in Spring Street. Early droughts were severe and waterholes were drained dry. Many ideas and unrealistic proposals were put forward to solve the water problem, but not until 1896 was there any real solution reached, when a powerful pumping plant was installed at Long Gully. There was then water to spare.
High Street, Maldon 3463 Map
Web Links
→ Maldon Historic CBD Walk Maps (PDF)