Macedon Tennis Club

The Macedon Tennis Club is situated at Tony Clarke Reserve in Macedon. There are 4 en tout cas courts, 2 plexipave courts and 2 Synpave courts all under lighting.
The club participates in the Macedon Ranges Tennis Association (MRTA) with several junior teams competing on Friday nights and Saturday mornings and several senior teams competing on Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons.

The club also participates in the Wednesday night ladies MRTA competition and enter a number of teams in the Mountain District Ladies Tennis Association (MDLTA) on Tuesday mornings throughout the year. Competitions run through both summer and winter.
Casual Court Hire
Court hire fees are $10/hour (lighting not included). Court hire for members is free.
Book a court
37 Waterfalls Road, Mount Macedon 3441 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Macedon Tennis Club on Facebook