Macedon Ranges Fishing Guide

The Macedon Ranges has a number of beautiful locations for fishing.
Campaspe River
Redfin, Tench and Yellow Belly (fishing season only)
The Campaspe River flows for nearly three kilometres around the Kyneton township. From the Mollison Street Bridge it skirts past the Botanical Gardens, the old swimming pool and on to the racecourse. The river offers lovely relaxing places to picnic and dangle a line and there are a number a number of fishing holes, including the Trout Hole.
Upper Coliban Reservoir
Trout and Redfin (all year)
Getting there:
From the Kyneton Visitor Information Centre drive down High Street and turn left onto Mollison Street. Drive south on Mollison Street over the Campaspe River past the railway station and continue along Trentham Road. Cross Glue Pot Bridge and continue until you hit Premier Mine Road, on your right. Turn right and follow Premier Mine Road to reach the reservoir.
General Information:
Constructed in 1903 and enlarged in 1917 this dam originally featured the only siphonic spillway in Victoria. Now it is surrounded by scenic farmland and is deep, domestic water storage. The capacity is currently at 37,000ML.
Bank fishing only is permitted and the reservoir is stocked annually with Murray cod, brown trout and redfin. The fishing is best when the reservoir is low. Being the uppermost of the three Coliban storages, it is usually the first drawn down in periods of high demand.
Lauriston Reservoir
Trout, Redfin and Macquarie Perch (all year)
Getting there:
From the Kyneton Visitor Information Centre, drive down High Street and turn right into Mollison Street and then left into Piper Street. At the bridge, Piper Street becomes Burton Avenue, which you should continue on until reading the Mineral Springs on your right (service station on your left). Turn left into Lauriston Road, cross over the railway line and through Lauriston Township. Cross the new bridge then turn left, drive past the scout camp and you will find a dirt road to your left (approximately 1 kilometre from the scout camp). Cross the cattle grid and follow the track to the reservoir.
General Information:
The Lauriston Reservoir is a deep domestic water storage on the Coliban River surrounded by forest and farmland. The reservoir was constructed in the period 1938 - 41. The massive concrete buttress type structure comprises 23 independent units with the rock fill wing embankment having concrete cut off walls. A supplementary embankment in a low saddle was also required. The spillway located in the centre of the buttress has a length of 77 metres and is filled with 10 vertical lift gates. The capacity is currently at 19790 ML. Kyneton's water supply originally came from the Little Coliban River with two reservoirs at Fern Hill. This system now provides 100% of Tylden's water with the majority of water for Kyneton being pumped from the Lauriston Reservoir.
Bank fishing and fishing from kayaks, canoes and small portable craft is permitted. Wading is banned. The banks are relatively bare and have little or no vegetation because of the large and regular fluctuations in water level. Vehicle access is limited and considerable walking is required to reach most areas of the lake.
It is popular angling water containing mostly redfin, brown trout, Macquarie perch, Murray cod, golden perch and roach and is stocked regularly with brown trout, Murray cod and golden perch yearlings. Electric barbeques are available at a small charge.
Hanging Rock Reserve
Trout (all year)
Stocked each year with Rainbow trout, the dam at Hanging Rock Reserve is a great place for families to relax with a line in beautiful surrounds. Please note there is an admission fee of $10 per car to enter Hanging Rock Reserve.
Malmsbury Reservoir
Trout and Redfin (all year)
Getting there:
From the Lauriston township, continue on for approximately 2 kilometres past the bridge until you get to Portwine Road. Turn right. Continue along this road to the reservoir and then follow the road around to the left. Do not attempt the right hand track unless in a 4WD vehicle.
General Information: One of the earliest water conservation schemes and constructed in 1865 the reservoir is now a domestic water supply surrounded by picturesque forest and farmland. The structure consists of a long earthen embankment with spillways at each end lined with basalt masonry. The capacity is currently at 12034ML.
Bank fishing as well as fishing from kayaks, canoes and small portable craft is permitted. The reservoir fishes particularly well when the water is rising over newly grassed shallow margins. The reservoir is stocked regularly with brown trout and also holds Redfin and goldfish. It has more shallows than the other two Coliban storages (Lauriston and Upper Coliban Reservoirs) and is probably more productive.
Fishing Licences
Fishing licences can be purchased online at If you are aged between 18-70 years, you will require a fishing licence. Seniors, pension card holders and some traditional owner groups do not require a licence.
For further information about LICENCES and OPEN/ CLOSED SEASONS, please refer to the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide.
Remember to remove all rubbish thoughtfully to prevent polluting our waterways. This will ensure that we all will enjoy great fishing for many years to come.
Angling and Fishing Clubs in the Macedon Ranges
Calder Fly Fishing Association (Gisborne based)
Meets every 4th Wednesday monthly
Kyneton Angling Club
Contact: John Condliffe
Phone: 0419 397 936
Woodend Angling Club
Phone: 03 5427 2395
Fax: 03 5427 2807
Contact: Barry Warnock
Bait can be purchased at: