Macedon Ranges Dressage Club (Kurunjang)

Macedon Ranges Dressage Club was formed in 1995 and its members ride at all levels of HRCAV and Equestrian Australia training and competition.
The club is based at the Juravon Park Equestrian Centre in the Melton area.
Macedon Ranges Dressage Club hold their rallies on the 4th Saturday of the month, however these dates are subject to change where school holidays or major events make this not suitable.
We are fortunate in the Macedon Ranges, to have a number of wonderful indoor schools to choose from, many of them owned and operated by members. We are currently using a variety of these venues giving horses and riders the benefit and opportunity of taking horses out to different places and experiences.
Macedon Ranges Dressage Club are proud to be able to attract instructors of the highest calibre to our rallies and to be able to offer members a variety of coaches to experience.
1748 Gisborne-Melton Road, Kurunjang 3337 Map
✆ 0403 449 233
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Macedon Ranges Dressage Club on Facebook (Private group)