Lysterfield Adult Riding Club (Narre Warren North)

Lysterfield Adult Riding Club Incorporated was established in 1972. Club grounds are Ivens Reserve in Narre Warren North.
The club grounds are public space, managed by the City of Casey. Several other horse riding clubs are based from the Reserve. Lysterfield Adult Riding Club has exclusive use of Ivens Reserve on their rally days.
The grounds facilities consist of a fully fenced all-weather dressage arena, cross-country jumps, a large grassed riding area, horse yards, horse wash, a club room and toilets, and access to trails.
The minimum age for riders is 18 but we do on committee approval on occasion accept members 16-17 however these are usually the children of adult members.

The club hold their rally days on the fourth Sunday of every month (at Ivens Reserve) except December which is held on the first Sunday. The day is intended to provide club members with a social avenue to meet and interact with other club members and to participate in lessons offered by qualified instructors. Our rally day format generally consists of two one-hour lessons - a flat work and a jumping. Generally, the session times available are hourly from 9am until 2pm, with riders of similar levels grouped together.
The grounds are used by the Hallam Valley Pony Club Rally on the 2nd Sunday of each month, by the South Eastern Standardbred Riding Group Rally on the 3rd Sunday of each month and the Lysterfield Adult Riding Club Rally on the 4th Sunday of each month. The grounds are available for public use outside these hours. For further information regarding these grounds please contact Casey Council on 9705 5200.
Cnr Narre Warren North Road and Crawley Road, Narre Warren North 3804 Map
✆ 0407 141 300
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