Loong Fu Pai Martial Arts Academy (Monbulk)

Loong Fu Pai was established in 1981 and has classes throughout the South Eastern suburbs. Loong Fu Pai Martial Arts teaches and promotes confidence, self esteem encouraging group interaction. There is an emphasis on discipline, self defence and co-ordination. It is a great way to meet people in a club and family environment.
Loong Fu Pai is a Free Style incorporating the arts of Karate, Kung Fu, Weaponry, Aikijutsu (Mushindo) and Kickboxing in a friendly atmosphere open to all who wish to participate.
Our style is based on the Chinese Shaolin animals, their studied movements and attributes. Loong means Dragon, Fu means Tiger and Pai means style or group. The style techniques are based on these five Shaolin animals Loong (Dragon) implying speed, Fu (Tiger) implying swift total body movements, Par (Leopard) implies agility, Sher (Snake) implies fluidity and Park Hock (Crane) for calmness.
We have many Dojo locations throughout the South Eastern suburbs and country Victoria. Come and try one of our classes in karate or kickboxing.
We have classes for all ages: Mascot (6 to 11 years), Juniors (12 to 14 years) and Seniors (15 to Adult). We also have mixed classes that all the family can attend.
Club activities include non contact tournaments, kickboxing competitions, weekend camps, seminars throughout the year, overseas training trips and Kyu night (under black belt only demonstrations).
The dojo is located at Saint Paul's Primary School.
59 Moores Road, Monbulk 3793 Map
✆ (03) 9759 7187 / 0418 809 808
Web Links
→ www.lfp.com.au