Location of Expression Swings in Melbourne

Some councils have started to install expression swings in playgrounds. They are face-to-face swings where the child and parent sit opposite each other. It's a lovely opportunity for parents and young children to have some time together at the playground.
Tussock Reserve Playground (Aintree)
Nugget Park Playground (Aintree)
Aintree Reserve Playground (Aintree)
G.H Ransom Reserve Playground (Altona)
A.W Langshaw Reserve Playground (Altona North)
Electra Reserve Playground (Ashwood)
Ford Park Playground (Bellfield)
Blind Bight Foreshore Playground (Blind Bight)
Brooklyn Reserve Playground (Brooklyn)
Dunstan Reserve Playground (Brunswick West)
Wylie Reserve Playground (Brunswick West)
Highfield Park Playground (Camberwell)
Princes Park Playground (Caulfield South)
Evelyn Street Playground (Clayton)
Aspen on Clyde Playground (Clyde North)
Selandra Reserve Playground (Clyde North)
Highlander Drive Park Playground (Craigieburn)
Reema Reserve Playground (Endeavour Hills)
Poppy Kettle Playground (Geelong)
Ferndale Park Playground (Glen Iris)
Capital Reserve Playground (Glen Waverley)
Glen Waverley North Reserve Playground (Glen Waverley)
Greenvale Reserve Playground (Greenvale)
Karkarook Park Playground (Heatherton)
Galbally Reserve Playground (Hughesdale)
J.J Holland Park Playground (Kensington)
Victoria Park (North) Playground (Kew)
Hays Paddock Playground (Kew East)
Frederick Wachter Reserve Playground (Keysborough)
Pinks Reserve Playground (Kilsyth)
Whittlesea Public Gardens Playground (Lalor)
Lillydale Lake Playground (Lilydale)
Hannah Watts Park Senior Playground (Melton)
Mill Park All Abilities Play Space (Mill Park)
Bayview Park Playground (Mount Waverley)
Waverley Park Lake Playground (Mulgrave)
Armstrong Reserve Playground (Newport)
Ross Reserve All Abilities Play Space (Noble Park)
Samada Street Playground (Notting Hill)
Creekwood Park Playground (Pakenham)
Upper Point Cook Playground (Point Cook)
Ringwood Lake Playground (Ringwood)
McAlpin Reserve Playground (Ringwood North)
Habitat Neighbourhood Park Playground (Tarneit)
Web Links
→ imaginationplay.com.au