Lions Park Playground, Cnr Mitchells Road and Waterloo Road, Moe

Breaktaking. An extensive array of play structures set over a large area. One section is a fantastic All Abilities area which is a series of ramps and steps with slides, rope climbing frames, net traverse, train engine with two steering wheels, large sand pit under shade sails with two mechanical scoops and a fun "production line", curved ladder, scrambling wall, curved mirror and other fun things.
In the same area there are also climbing structures, balance beam, moving bridge, flying fox, horizontal bars, three large cubby houses, large wooden statues of horses, wooden dray, various music making equipment, unusual swings, twisted sheets climbing structure, huge spiral slide, "arc slide", "hapi-sound cylinder", two horse springers and separate wave slide.

There are BBQs, shelter, shaded and unshaded tables and seats in this area. Water taps. Absolutely brilliant!

Another area close by has a big metal slide down the side of a big hill, real flying fox (zip line) and four swings (one with safety chain) and a structure with curved slide, scrambling wall, ladder, steering wheel, shop front, tunnel, chain traverse, log roll and small flying fox. Shaded table.

Cnr Mitchells Road and Waterloo Road, Moe 3825 Map