Lillicur - Quartz Mountain Geological Reserve

Quartz Mountain Geological Reserve is a massive quartz outcrop located between Amherst and Lillicur where pure quartz stands in some sections at over six metres above the level of the connecting hill surface. In one section, an incredible 40-tonne boulder extends for 0.8km north from the main outcrop and balances precariously on top of the biggest quartz reef remaining in the state.
There was a little goldmining at the southern end of the main hill in the nineteenth century and a tunnel (adit) went in from the eastern side but, after going through a considerable quantity of quartz and ore, was left unfinished. There is also a deep mine shaft covered by a steel grate. Today, fossicking or prospecting in the area is prohibited.
Visit during springtime and be amazed by the wildflowers. Over 230 species have been recorded in the area including 30 different kinds of orchids.
How to get there
Directions from Talbot: Drive along the Talbot-Avoca Road for 2km. Turn left into McIntyres Road (before the Cemetery). Continue along this gravel road for approx 3km until you reach timbered bushland. Proceed directly ahead along Mia Mia Track for 1.5km until you reach a T-intersection. Turn left onto Tyler Track, proceed for approx 1km (passing Quartz Dam on your left). Turn right onto Quartz Track and you will see the reef and sign "Amherst Reef Geological Reserve" directly ahead on your left.
Quartz Track, Lillicur 3371 Map
Web Links
→ Quartz Hill (Amherst Reef Geological Reserve) (Parks Victoria)