Leopold Toy Library

The Leopold Toy Library offers a toy lending program where families and carers can access quality age appropriate toys on a regular basis for children from birth to six years old. There are a variety of toys that cater across the developmental areas.
ACTIVITY - ride on cars and quad bikes
BABY - rattles and playthings
CO-ORDINATION - threading and building
DRESS UPS - boy and girl characters
EXPRESSION - kitchen and tool benches
GAMES - educational and fun
MUSIC - DVD's/CD's and instruments
PUZZLES - peg puzzles and pieces
WATER - boats, bath and sand
This is an inexpensive way of giving your child hours of fun by providing your family with access to an extensive range of toys.
Located at Leopold Memorial Park.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
Membership Fees
131 Melaluka Rd, Leopold 3224 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ leopold.mibase.com.au
→ Leopold Toy Library on Facebook