Leongatha - South Gippsland Splash Aquatic Centre

South Gippsland SPLASH is the premier indoor aquatic recreational facility in South Gippsland with state of the art facilities.
Lap swimmers can enjoy our 25 metre pool. With a maximum of 10 lanes available there will always be plenty of lap space, even while there are other programs operating.
Our Toddler and Program pools provide a safe and fun environment for your children's aquatic experience. Over looking the Program pool is also a water feature, providing children with plenty of excitement.

Opening Hours:
Hours of Operation
Admission Prices
Roughead Street, Leongatha 3953 Map
✆ (03) 5662 5911
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ sgsplash.ymca.org.au
→ YMCA South Gippsland SPLASH on Facebook