Leongatha & District Historical Society

The Leongatha & District Historical Society collects, records and preserves the history of the old Woorayl Shire.
In August 1983 the Society, which was by then known as the Woorayl Shire Historical Society, obtained the use of the Leongatha Mechanics' Institute as a home. This beautiful building was constructed in 1912 and is a fine example of the architecture of the time. The three spacious rooms have pressed metal ceilings and the front room has exquisite stained glass windows. The interior walls are unique being made of river reeds and plaster. The large rear section was a billiard room used by many in the community from 1912 to 1982. Since moving into the Mechanics' Institute, a museum has been established and many interesting displays related to the area's history have been mounted.

An extensive collection of photographs, documents, textiles, clothing and other artefacts are stored in the Mechanics' Institute. The research material is available for use by the general public.
As a Place of Deposit (P.O.D.) of the Public Records Office of Victoria the Society is able to look after community records no longer required by the Shire and other organisations.
Opening Hours:
The museum is open Thursday and Friday 12-4pm (or on request).
Entry by donation.
10 McCartin Street, Leongatha 3953 Map
✆ 0400 249 048
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.leongathahistory.org.au
→ Leongatha Historical Society on Facebook