Learmonth Heritage Walk

Sites on the Learmonth Heritage Walk are:
1. The Stag Hote
2. Dunrobin Store / Post Office
3. Stafford General Store
4. McGlashan & Cumming Engineers & Millwrights
5. Dr. Creelman's Surgery & Chemist
6. Lady of the Lake Hotel
7. Camp Hotel
8. Thos.Lewis Draper
9. National Bank
10. Shire Hall / Road Board Building
11. Gas Street Lamp
12. Boer War Monument
13. Learmonth Primary School
14. Presbyterian Church
15. Carmichael Engineering
16. Robert Pool Saddler
17. Church of England
18. Railway Centenary Monument
19. Medwell's Chaff Mill
20. Fraser Blacksmith
21. Lowes Bakery
22. Medwell Produce
23. Reid Bros. Chaff Mill
24. Barnes,Grocer / Baker /Undertaker
25. Temperance Hall
26. Court House
27. Police Complex
28. Masonic Hall
29. Lugg's Blacksmith
30. Spier's Bakery
31. Sandlant's Butcher
32. W D Sara Saddler
33. Showgrounds / Saleyards
34. Catholic Church
35. Wesleyan Chapel
36. McKay Blacksmith
37. ANA Plantation
Free copies of the "Heritage Walk Brochure" are available in Learmonth from: The Learmonth General Store and Post Office (site 2), The Stag Hotel (site 1), Cafe 321 (site 24) and LDHS (site 10) when open, all locations are in High Street.
Web Links
→ www.learmonthdhs.com.au/index.php/heritage-walk