Lawford Street Playground, Doncaster

Lawford Street Playground, Doncaster

The highlight is a huge cone shaped rope climbing frame which has nests at different heights. There is a play structure with slide, shopfront, fireman's pole, vertical rope net and small climbing wall, little cubby with seats and table.

There is a steep wave slide down the hill which has rocks on the side to reach the top of the slide, three swings sit at the top of the hill and a birds nest swing on the side. There is a dry creek bed running down beside the playground with a big wooden frog.

Lawford Street Playground, Doncaster

Unshaded tables and seats, water tap, toilets and grassy area which has a cricket pitch and one soccer goal frame. There is a long concrete path which laps the park for bikes.



21 Lawford Street,  Doncaster 3108 Map

Lawford Street Playground, Doncaster21 Lawford Street,, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108