Lauriston Reservoir Playground, Lauriston Reservoir Road, Lauriston

Lauriston Reservoir Playground, Lauriston Reservoir Road, Lauriston

There is a small cost to enter the reservoir ($2 when we visited). Unfortunately all the lovely pine trees had to be cut down due to safety concerns from falling limbs. It all looks quite barren now. It is a long way to come for such a lacklustre playground. The structure has a wave slide, tic-tac-toe, shop front, steps, tunnel, fireman's pole, abacus and spiral ladder. Also swings.

Unshaded tables nearby and located next to a dam which is very impressive when the water is flowing over the dam wall. 100m along the road is a grassy strip with unshaded tables, water tap and two BBQ areas.



622 Lauriston Reservoir Road,  Lauriston 3444 Map

Lauriston Reservoir Playground, Lauriston Reservoir Road, Lauriston622 Lauriston Reservoir Road,, Lauriston, Victoria, 3444