Jean Lake Reserve Playground, Lake Road, Forest Hill

Nestled amongst an area of trees on a big corner block is a large cubby with tin roof which is reached by stairs, disks on a vertical pole or a rope net. On the side are dual wave slides and monkey bars and underneath is a shopfront.
There are also swings and a table with colourful revolving flower petal seats. Limited grassy area and shaded seats.
At the site there is an information sign which reads "Site of Forest Hill Residential Kindergarten 1926 - 1989 This 12 acre property was purchased in 1926 by Graduates of the Kindergarten Training College, Kew to provide a country holiday for city children and later Emergency Residential Care. In 1989 proceeds from the sale of the property were used to establish the Chair of Early Childhood Studies of Melbourne University and the Forest Hill early Childhood Foundation for welfare education and research for young children"
Cnr Lake Road and Jean Street, Forest Hill 3131 Map