Lake Pertobe Adventure Playground, Warrnambool

Note: Work will start on the replacement of the Lake Pertobe Adventure Playspace on January 31, 2022. While work is under way - expected to take six months - the playground area and adjacent barbecues will be fenced off. It is now complete.
Unbelievable. I read somewhere that one family comes to Warrnambool every Easter just for the playground. I was having a hard time swallowing that until I saw this playground - now I would be willing to come back at Easter, Christmas, Queens Birthday holiday, Anzac Day .....
There are a series of fantastic play areas running along the side of the lake. The area closest to the town has a big sandy area with a boat structure which has a tunnel slide, tic-tac-toe, ramps, steps, scrambling walls and ladders. Next to this is a wooden structure with a launching platform for two huge flying foxes (zip lines). One starts at a low level and has a curved seat made from a tyre which is easy for younger kids. This flying fox is restricted to kids aged up to 12 years. The ride is not too fast and has a gentle ending (provided Dad doesn't fling you down the hill). It is fun and addictive but you won't hear too many screams from this one. The other flying fox (for those older than 12) starts at the top of the structure and has a ski lift type disk for a seat and some metal handles. There is a kick at the end when the flying fox reaches the tyres. You can expect to hear some screaming on this one. The structure also has dual wave slides, fireman's pole and spiral ladder.
Close by is a sandpit with two swings and a shelter with tables. There is a large maze with wooden walls which presents some level of difficulty but isn't so hard that you are likely to end up a quivering frustrated mess before reaching the centre and finding your way out again. Next to the maze is a rocky waterfall with water tumbling down into a pond. A little river meanders from the pond to the lake. Next to the pond is a shelter with table and water tap. This leads to a pile of truck tyres for climbing over and a standalone flying fox.
The next major area is a huge sandpit enclosed within wooden walls. This encloses a wooden boat shaped structure leading to ramps, walkways, horizontal climber with rings, climbing wall, long wave slide, shop front, sloping parallel bars, chain ladder, rigid ladders, steering wheel, tic-tac-toe, tunnel and small steep slide. Four nautical themed springers, rowing boat, pair stand-on skateboard springers, two mechanical sand diggers, four person pommel bounce and four swings. There is also a toddlers area next to the sandpit with clock, music making equipment, various panels, mirror, abacus and tic-tac-toe with animal shapes. Big shelter with BBQs, tables and seats. Also some unshaded seats. Water tap and toilets.
You then come to an area where motor fun boats, canoes, paddle boats and water bikes can be hired. A motor boat (which holds 2 adults and 1 child or 1 adult and 2 children) costs $11 for 15 minutes. This is great fun and even the kids can steer the boats. The other aquatic transportation options cost around $10 for 15 minutes. Note: Prices have increased since this review.
Opposite this area is a big grassy area with a cricket pitch. Get together a team and try and beat the Warrnambool Whalers at 20/20.
After that a hill rises about the area which has a structure on top with three slides - a long straight metal slide, a fast bumpy metal slide and a tight twisty tunnel slide. The structure also has a scrambling wall, ladder and steps.
Nearby is another large sandpit with a huge metal spiral slide, five person stand-up carousel (although it seemed like there were more like 25 people standing on it and almost that number getting trampled on the ground), spinning tyre swing, springer and wooden structure with dual slides, monkey bars, ladder, walkway, steps, disks on a vertical pole, climbing wall, steering wall and shop front.
At the end of the park is another big sandpit with a wooden structure which has parallel slides, tunnel, climbing mat, ramps, walkway, tic-tac-toe, steps and steering wheel. Also swings and pelican springer.
This is next to a rocky fountain and small pond which drains back to the lake. Also a large shelter with BBQs, tables and water tap. A very wobbly suspension bridge leads out across the edges of the lakes where there are plenty of water birds to see.
As an added bonus there is a cafe across the street which has great ice-creams.
The playground is next to lake and you need to be vigilant although the lake is fairly shallow around the edges.
47-107 Pertobe Road, Warrnambool 3280 Map
Web Links
→ Lake Pertobe Motor Boats