Northside Boulders / Lactic Factory (Abbotsford)

Northside Boulders in Abbotsford, also named The Lactic Factory and was Australia's first dedicated, bouldering-only climbing gym. Located in Abbotsford, we host Melbourne's bouldering community by offering great routes and atmosphere to train in, all close to public transport. There are facilities for storing bicycles and gear, with drinks and snacks available while training along with a comfy place to chill out!
Bouldering focuses on climbing things that are interesting & generally low enough to the ground that ropes aren't required. Think caves, low overhangs & giant rocks. Indoors this equates to 3.8m high walls of all angles, with nice soft mats to fall on.
We've got something for everyone. Whether you prefer a gentle 10 degree overhang or an effectively upside down 60 degree overhang, we've got you covered. We also have a spot to relax while you're not climbing, some food and drink to keep you going, some basic climbing gear to buy, shoes, toilets, some cool old speakers pumping out jams, campus board, roman rings, weights, room to stretch and ... plants.
Opening Hours:
Opening Hours
1 Studley Street, Abbotsford 3067 Map
✆ (03) 9416 2508
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