Kyeema Crash Site Memorial (Mount Dandenong)

There is a cairn at the site which commemorates eighteen people who were killed in the crash of the "Kyeema". The plaque on the cairn was unveiled on the 40th anniversary of the disaster.
The "Kyeema" was one of Australian National Airways DC-2 passenger aeroplanes and was flying from Adelaide to Melbourne. It crashed into Mount Dandenong obscured by fog apparently because the crew had mistaken either Sunbury or Gisborne for Daysleford, and believed they were leaving cloud cover for the approach to Essendon when they crashed.
As a result of the enquiry, Flight Checking Officers were appointed to airports to monitor the progress of aircraft, advise pilots of their position in relation to other aircraft, and alternative aerodromes. This was the birth of air traffic control in Australia. It was also decided to install a radio beacon system at airports so that pilots could receive instant information on their course rather than waiting for a ground radio operator.
Location: The memorial is along Kyeema Track, off Ridge Road. This is north of the Reserve Road branch off Ridge Road.
Kyeema Track, Mount Dandenong 3767 Map
Web Links
→ Kyeema Aeroplane Crash