Koonoomoo - The Big Strawberry

Stop and see the Big Strawberry. The farm consists of 9 hectares with 7-8 acres being used for strawberries. There are a variety of berries being grown on the farm. The majority being grown is strawberries, but others such as raspberries, boysenberries and blackberries are also being grown.
There is fresh fruit in season. For extra fun in the sun "pick your own" (picking usually starts around mid to late October through to February).
Our big hearty breakfast is a real winner, pancakes & Devonshire teas are just the start of a great menu and Big Strawberry icecream by the scoop or by the cup is simply incredible.
7034 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Koonoomoo 3644 Map
✆ (03) 5871 1300
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ thebigstrawberry.com.au
→ The Big Strawberry on Facebook