Knoxfield Radio Controlled Car Track (Knoxfield)

Knox focuses on 1/10-scale electric RC cars.
The track is for 1/10th scale electric buggies/trucks only. Nitro cars are not allowed due to the proximity of housing and 1/8th due to the weight and power that the track cannot cope with.
We race twice a month (1st and 3rd Sunday) and have an electronic timing system (AMBrc4) so you can see your lap times throughout the day, compare to your mates or chart your progress over the year. We are family orientated with all walks of life and age seen on our drivers stand battling for their place on the track.
Free to use for the public.
Membership Costs for Club
A very good track for remote controlled cars. There is a large area with plenty of turns and jumps and a wooden platform on the side from which to control the cars. There was a scarcity of kids but a lot of kids at heart (adults).
20 OConnor Rd, Knoxfield 3180 Map
✆ (03) 9560 1843
Web Links
→ Knox RC Off Road Car Club on Facebook