Knox Baseball Club (Knoxfield)

Knox Baseball Club participates in the Melbourne Winter Baseball League entering 6 teams into the men's B1,B2,A3,A4, EE & EL grades, Juniors (13's, 15's and 17's) as well as Tee Ball for the younger ones.
Training: Seniors Thursday - 6:30pm. U13 Tuesday - 5.00pm. U15 & U17 Thursday - 5.00pm.
Come down to train or even socialise with the "older" mob who train slightly differently from the rest of us. A feed is normally on after senior training along with team selections.
Knox Baseball Club is based at Gilbert Park in Knoxfield where there are five fields.
Forbes Close, Knoxfield 3180 Map
✆ (03) 9763 9159
Web Links
→ Knox Falcons Baseball Club on Facebook (Private group)