Kidsafe Victoria (Burwood)

KIDSAFE - the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia, is an independent, non-profit, non-government charitable foundation dedicated to the prevention of unintentional death and injury to children.
Kidsafe operates at national, state and regional levels and in co-operation with government, industry, schools, hospitals, the media, community groups, voluntary organisations and individuals.
Kidsafe conducts injury prevention programs, media campaigns, provides information, develops educational resources and initiates special programs to raise awareness of child safety issues and injury prevention throughout the community.
Each day in Australia, 5 000 children require medical attention, 170 are admitted to hospital and one child dies - all as a result of unintentional injuries.
Most of these injuries occur at home and at school.
Since Kidsafe's establishment in 1979, the number of children in Australia killed by unintentional injury has been halved.To date, a great deal has been achieved in preventing unintentional injuries to children through KIDSAFE media campaigns and educational programs, however, Kidsafe and the community must continue their efforts to save the lives of Victorian children.
221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood 3125 Map
✆ (03) 9251 7725
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Kidsafe Australia on Facebook
→ Kidsafe Victoria on Facebook