Keysborough Angling Club (Edithvale)

The Keysborough Angling Club was established in 1978 and although we continually look for new members we are still an active club with members who really enjoy their fishing and also socialising with other members at trips, BBQs and our social functions.
Our competitions cater for Seniors (including Ladies) and we have competitions across the waters of Estuary, Freshwater, Saltwater and Surf venues around Melbourne as well as country areas such as Purrumbete, Eildon, Swan Reach and Welshpool. Juniors and midgets coming along with their parents to enjoy fishing are also very welcome.
Our angling season runs from July to June each year and we welcome new members and visitors to all our meetings and trips.
The clubrooms are located at the Chelsea Golf Course in Edithvale.
Opening Hours:
General Meetings held on 1st Wednesday of month (February to December inclusive)
Guest speaker evenings held on 3rd Wednesday of months February, April, June, August, and October. All meetings commence at 8 pm
112 Fraser Avenue, Edithvale 3196 Map
✆ 0419 350 187
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Keysborough Angling Club Inc. on Facebook