Kensington Neighbourhood House

Services include Courses and Workshops, Childcare, Adult Education and interest groups.
There is a seed library outside the Neighbourhood House provided by The Kensington Seed Savers. To actively maintain local food sovereignty, The Kensington Seed Savers, collect organic, heirloom and heritage seeds grown in a number of our community gardens under chemical free conditions with the intention of growing them out regularly to maintain characteristics, robustness, fertility and availability and to share with the community. They ask you to please only take what you need. They welcome donations of seeds from your garden.
Opening Hours:
Opening Hours
89 McCracken Street, Kensington 3031 Map
✆ (03) 9376 6366
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Kensington Neighbourhood House on Facebook
→ Kensington Seed Savers on Facebook