Kennett River Koala Walk

The small hamlet of Kennett River on the Great Ocean Road is one of the best places in Australia to see koalas in the wild. Turn into Grey River Road, off the Great Ocean Road, and between one and two kilometres along the road you will be guaranteed to spot koalas in the gum trees.
Although resting during most of the day, by late afternoon they become more active, eating leaves, grooming or seeking new food trees. If you are lucky you may spot some at lower levels and in the spring, mothers with their babies.
A good pair of binoculars will help to both locate koalas and be able to watch them more closely. It needs to be remembered that koalas are wild animals, and can become stressed or even aggressive if they are cornered or an attempt is made to touch or handle them.
There are 1800 koalas in the area and so the chance of seeing a koala is very high. We saw a few wallabies as well as three koalas. Make sure you bring along some binoculars. There is a cafe at the starting point. You can either drive the car or walk along the road to look for koalas.
Grey River Road, Kennett River 3221 Map
Web Links
→ Kennett River Koala Walk PDF
→ Kennett River Holiday Park on Facebook