Kelly Park Playground, Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill

Kelly Park Playground, Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill

The main play structures are under a shade sails and has a wave slide, chain ladder, ladder with square rungs, spiral ladder, fireman's pole, steering wheel, telescope and steps.

Also a birds nest swing, cute rocker which includes a horse and car seat, open basket to stand in and spin around, a cube with lots of climbing possibilities with nets, rope ladders, spiders web and chain net.

Kelly Park Playground, Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill

Combined basketball / netball court with a fairly small grassy area. Shelter with two tables and BBQ. Toilets, water tap and a kangaroo seat. There is an outdoor gym in the park.



26 Kelly Street,  Pyramid Hill 3575 Map

Kelly Park Playground, Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill26 Kelly Street,, Pyramid Hill, Victoria, 3575