Keeping Fit in Koonung Walk (Doncaster East)

There is a focus on fitness and exercise with this 4 km walk. The trail features places to stretch, bend and squat. Children will enjoy the wetlands.
The walk begins at Boronia Grove Reserve. It follows a well maintained and paved path that runs next to the Koonung Creek, before crossing the Eastern Freeway to the neighbouring side. The path on this side is gravel so can be uneven after a wet period. The vegetation is native and lorikeets can be heard above traffic noise. After crossing the freeway again the path returns to a sealed one and continues beside the Boronia Grove Wetlands. It is much quieter on this side of the walk with resident wader birds easily spotted here.
Start and finish at Boronia Grove Reserve, Leeds Street, Doncaster.
Map of Route

Route Description
Your walk begins from the car park at Boronia Grove Reserve. There are nice vistas of the Koonung Creek in the first part of this walk. A major restoration project has produced impressive results. Keep an eye out for wetlands bird species such as Dusky Moorhens or Australian Wood Ducks and listen for frogs.
Follow the path past the scout hall and oval and turn right at the fork in the path.
1. Supported Squats: Choose a spot off the path. This is a good exercise to strengthen the legs. With your feet apart and back straight bend the knees as if you were about to sit down. Straighten and repeat eight times, increasing to twenty in the future. Shake each leg.
Cross the freeway and turn right onto the gravel path.
2. Pick up the pace now. Power walk by swinging your arms by your side and taking longer, faster strides. If you have a pusher, take longer steps. If you are Nordic walking, push yourself forward with vigour. Encourage children to participate as well.
3. At the Middleborough Road pedestrian lights, as you wait for the lights to change, take a moment to stretch your arms to the sky, first one and really stretch, then the other and repeat. With both arms in the air drop them in a big arc that ends as far behind you as you can get them. Shake your arms.
4. The gravel track ends where it links to the popular Koonung Trail. You can extend your walk here by continuing to Tram Road and returning to this same point.
Cross the freeway and walk over the Koonung Creek foot bridge
5. Calf Stretches: Choose a spot off the path. Place one leg behind you on your toes and push the heel to the ground. You should feel a calf stretch. Repeat with the other leg. If you have children, they can enjoy the creek environment while you stretch. The creek is an important habitat corridor providing a continuous stretch of natural vegetation for many kilometres.
Continue power walking and keep the speed brisk and your strides long.
6. There is a little wetland area on your right. Purple Swamphens have been seen here along with other wader birds and native ducks.
Look for the Boronia Grove Wetlands that will appear on your left. There is a seat opposite - right next to the freeway sound barrier.
7. Boronia Grove Wetlands is surrounded by Indigenous vegetation propagated from original plant stock found in this area. There is an abundance of wildlife here, mostly unseen. Fish, frogs, dragonflies, yabbies and birds are residents or seasonal visitors.
Dips: Using the seat, face the wetlands and sit down placing your hands by your side. Pushing with your hands raising your backside off the seat and lower over the seat's edge. Raise and lower using the strength of your arms for five repetitions. Increase to fifteen with time.
Continue back towards the oval. Turn left after crossing the bridge
The Koonung Trail continues to your right and can extend your walk by another 4.5 kms. Cross the freeway at the pedestrian overpass located 2 kms down the Koonung Trail. Return on the opposite side of the freeway, until you reach the pedestrian overpass that formed part of your original walk. Cross and turn right to footbridge and left to Boronia Grove.
8. Lunges: This is both a good stretch and strengthening exercise. Place your right leg forward and stretch your left leg back - keep your heel off the ground. Bend the left knee towards the ground, as far as you can go and still remain steady. Raise and lower. Swap legs. Do five times each increasing to twelve.
Return to Boronia Grove.
This finishes your walk. Time to relax and plan your next adventure.
112 Leeds Street, Doncaster East 3109 Map
Web Links
→ Keeping Fit in Koonung Walking Guide and Map