Kath Roberts Reserve Playground, Kathleen Court, Beaconsfield

A playground for climbers which has a big climbing frame with climbing walls, rope nets, spiders web rope climbing frame, bridges and hanging birds nest swing. Also a spinning disk, monkey bars, standalone wave slide with ladder and shopfront, birds nest swing, little see-saw and two standard swings.
Two shelters, each with a table. There is a BMX Track (gravel oval shape), grassy areas and basketball / netball court with a metal soccer goal. The playground needs a water tap.
This reserve commemorates Kath Roberts (1901-1992) outstanding service to Beaconsfield; resident, store owner and Post Office Mistress 1936-1956.
The Kath Roberts Reserve was so named to recognise long-time and well respected resident, Katherine Lucy Roberts (Beswick). She attended the official opening of the Reserve with her family in November 1988, and it was a very proud occasion for her.
Kath came to Beaconsfield as a new bride in 1924 after her marriage to 'Mac' Roberts, who owned the Station Store together with his brother Les. The store was located at the end of Woods Street opposite the railway station. In 1934 Mac and Kath bought the General Store on the Princes Highway, and in 1936 they took over the Beaconsfield Post Office and manual telephone exchange which they operated for the next twenty years with help from their daughters, Pat and Mary.
23 Kathleen Court, Beaconsfield 3807 Map