Katamatite Lions Club Memorial Park

The park, which is next to the Boosey Creek, has a rest area for travellers.
The park is home to a steel eagle sculpture which aims to brings more attention to the eagles seen flying near the area and more attention to the local habitat of native species that thrive along the Boosey Creek. The Urana artist Andrew Whitehead, used farm materials and items from Katamatite farms, to complete the life-size 3 m wingspan animal. The sculpture has claws made from bale hooks and feathers from mower blades.

There is also chainsaw art by Robby Bast. The chainsaw art features the Bell's Lace Monitor, two Tawny Frogmouth Owls, a Boobook or Mopope Owl and a little parrot that could either be a Grass Parrot or an Eastern Rosella. All are native to the Katamatite area.

60 Beek Street, Katamatite 3649 Map