Joy of the Earth Community Garden (Frankston)

Joy of the Earth Community Garden is located at Joy Reserve in Frankston where the wider community is encouraged to participate in organic growing and harvesting.
The site is owned by Frankston Council and used to be 4 dis-used, overgrown tennis courts. But with lots of hard work, and 5 years later, it is now a thriving Community Garden producing fresh, organic vegies, fruits, honey, herbs and flowers.
As well as 70 very friendly members, 55 member plots and 6 community organisation plots, the garden boasts a rotunda which houses an almost fully equipped kitchen and pizza oven, bee hives, orchard, greenhouse, compost bins, worm farm, tool sheds, sensory garden, butterfly garden, herb garden, children's area and toilets.
To keep our Garden looking beautiful, we hold regular working bees and this is balanced out by social activities.
With rising costs of fresh produce, people in the community are looking to grow their own food locally and cheaply and we at Joy of the Earth Community Garden can help those who are not confident gardeners to develop skills while enjoying friendly company.
Why not get in touch and come for a visit and a cuppa?
15 Joy Street, Frankston 3199 Map
✆ (03) 8772 2684
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Joy of the Earth Community Garden on Facebook