J.J Holland Park Playground, Altona Street, Kensington

Two high colourful towers dominate the playground. One end has a high curved tunnel slide, the other end has a lower very twisty tunnel slide and the two towers are connected by a high rope tunnel bridge. The good news is that both slides can be reached by steps without any difficult climbing. On the sides of the towers are ladders, wave slide and scrambling wall plus some cubbies underneath.
A soft aqua surface next to the towers has a birds nest swing and two standard swings, two in-ground trampolines, big spinning rope cone and vertical pipes to hit and make music.

On the side is a large sandpit with a smooth rock slide, lovely rock caterpillar, wooden tepee on the sides and a play structure with wave slide, slanting walkway and shop front in the middle.
Further across are standalone monkey bars and a big atom shaped rope climbing frame, more swings including an expression swing where the child and carer sit opposite each other, dual flying foxes with disk seat and harness seat and basketball half court.

There are three tables, BBQs, water taps and toilet.
The park itself offers three sports ovals, circumnavigated by a great jogging track which is perfect for teaching first-timers how to ride bicycles. There are a variety of gentle grassy slopes for that too. Next, they can take on the BMX track and skate park on the corner of Kensington Road and Childers Street.
50 Altona Street, Kensington 3031 Map