Jeparit Swimming Pool

Facilities include a solar heated outdoor 25 m, six lane pool, toddlers pool and shaded picnic areas. A life guard is on duty at all times and a small kiosk operates during opening times.
Opening Hours:
The swimming pool is usually open from November to March. Opening hours are daily from 3.30pm - 7pm. Depending on weather conditions the pools might also be open at other times.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
Hindmarsh Shire swimming pools are free of charge during normal opening hours.
A 25m main pool which varies in depth from 0.9m to 1.8m deep and a tiny, square 0.3m deep toddler pool under a shade roof. The whole area is quite small with areas of concrete/bricks and artificial grass. Over one section of artificial grass is a shade roof. There are two shaded tables and toilets.
19 Sands Avenue, Jeparit 3423 Map
✆ (03) 5391 4444
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→ Hindmarsh Shire Swimming Pools