Jells Park Yabbie Hill Playspace, Waverley Road, Wheelers Hill

Parks Victoria has invested $3 million to create a wonderful all-abilities, nature based playspace in Jells Park. As an aside, if only they would put some money into upgrading their woeful website then life would be even more wonderful for us.
As the kids rush out of the car from the numerous car parks, the first port of call is likely to be the 'Mountain Top' lookout which is an elevated area with circular walls surrounding a truly marvellous ceramic map of the area. The vast playground area stretches far below and you feel like a monarch looking over their kingdom. The only thing missing is a throne but there is so much of interest below that there's no time to be sitting around on a throne.

You can take a winding path down to the next level or the more impatient can ride a curved metal slide down. A huge red horizontal rope net spiders climbing web awaits. Be careful since any spider which builds a web this large is likely to be truly fearsome.
Across from the web and at the end of the winding path are 'The Pinnacles' which are a series of vertical rock walls with endearing etchings of kangaroos performing their daily activities. Keep an eye our for the boxing kangaroos (without Alan Bond being featured).

A dry creek bed layered in rocks emerges out of the ground and runs down the slope past a stepping stone crossing and bridge. Look out for the elusive platypus swimming along the bank.
The creek bed passes the spectacular floating rock garden. Huge rocks on legs are an unusual sight and the gardener who created these must have rocks in his head. In any case, they are great for some climbing activities.

A fallen log leads up to the forest rope climb which is a fantastic obstacle course with a wide range of rope nets and bridges.

Further down the slope on this side of the playground is a spinning carousel which has a seat, standing area and space for a wheelchair, circular lookout area and vertical climbing poles.
At the far end of the playground is a huge unshaded sandpit where a giant turtle has laid some equally giant eggs, water pump and sand and water play tables.

Yabbies are probably a tasty morsel for turtles and so a huge yabby is placed further up the slope away from the snapping mouth of the turtle.

A little further up the slope are some metal frame cubbies and three in-ground trampolines. There are two areas of swings at different ends of the playground. One area has a birds nest swing, swing with harness and a standard swing with chain for younger kids. The other area has two swings for older kids and a birds nest swing. Some short metal slides are dotted around the sides of the playground. There are wonderful wooden carvings of native birds and animals around the playground. There are also panels which describe the sound which different birds make. Of particular interest to me was the quack of the Pacific Black Duck. The quack of the female Pacific Black Duck starts loud and fast and gets quieter and quieter. I'm booking our kids in for some Pacific Black Duck language lessons so that I can have a quiet night at home after a busy playground visit. A panel to avoid is the Galah unless you want your kids learning how to screech like a Galah and practicing in the car on the way home.
There are a limited number of tables and seats close to the playground but there is a water tap and shady rocks to sit on. There are shelters with tables, BBQs, toilets about 50m away plus huge grassy areas leading away to the lake in the distance. Close to the playground is Madelines at Jells cafe where you can stop for a bite to eat or drink. Jells Park itself, is huge and has many recreational attractions.
The playspace has been built to provide interest to all ages and abilities. There are wide paths passing through the playground and accessible play equipment. Near the cafe is a "Changing Places" toilet with a full-size hoist and change table which has has been installed to support use of the playscape and the park by people with higher support needs. There are disabled parking spaces here.
998 Waverley Road, Wheelers Hill 3150 Map
Web Links
→ Madelines at Jells on Facebook
→ 100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria