J Sloan Park Playground, Calder Highway, Inglewood

J Sloan Park Playground, Calder Highway, Inglewood

Under shade sails is a U-shaped line of equipment which can be traversed from end to end. The higher end has dual wave slides, vertical rope ladder, ladder with square rungs, disk step bridge, hanging disk traverse, monkey bars, rope balance traverse, monkey rungs, tic-tac-toe, uneven board bridge and at the lower end is a wave slide, shopfront, two ladders, steering wheel and steps.

J Sloan Park Playground, Calder Highway, Inglewood

Outside the shaded area is a birds nest swing, four swings and pyramid rope climbing frame.

Shaded table, water tap, toilets, skatepark, outdoor gym, netball courts and oval.



Cnr Calder Highway and Grant Street South,  Inglewood 3517 Map

J Sloan Park Playground, Calder Highway, InglewoodCnr Calder Highway and Grant Street South,, Inglewood, Victoria, 3517